I, Daniel Blake
Shameless is a British comedy-drama series set in Manchester on the fictional Chatsworth council estate. The comedy drama, centered on British tea boy and working class culture, has been accorded critical acclaim by various sections of the British media.
Directed by Paul Walker, Lawrence Till, Luke Watson & Tim Whitby / Company Productions
Starring David Threlfall, Annabelle Apsion, Sally Carmen & Gerard Kearns.
The Quest
The Quest. Three elderly men, Dave, Ronno and Charlie, meet at Charlie’s retirement party and reminisce about their teenage “quest” in the 1950s to get laid. This had involved traveling on their motorbikes up to the Lake District “where all the girls shag like rabbits” – but things hadn’t turned out quite as they had planned.
Directed by David Jason / Yorkshire Television
Starring David Jason, Hywell Bennett and Jim Sturgess